What I do
I design and deliver effective and memorable courses, programmes and training material that bring about real change in participants.
This can be anything from a short module on one aspect to a full-blown assessment or development centre incorporating role-plays, input sessions, observation and feedback. Business writing is a particular passion, as I feel it’s not taught sufficiently well at school or in further education.
Presenting, facilitating, observing and giving feedback – I’ve done it all. I’m an engaging presenter and I thoroughly enjoy switching on the lightbulbs in people’s minds or helping them over any stumbling blocks and improving their confidence e.g. how to use apostrophes, how to stand with impact when giving a presentation, how to adapt your behaviour.
Sometimes a training course isn’t the right approach – it’s not sufficiently focused on the needs of every individual. In those situations, coaching might be a better solution, allowing an individual to discuss their specific concerns and get help on how to overcome them. Typically, a coaching relationship may last 6 – 8 sessions but it is very dependent on the circumstances. I am a qualified coach and mentor having completed the ILM Level 7 Diploma in Executive Coaching and Mentoring. I can meet face-to-face or conduct virtual coaching by phone or Skype.
Topics covered
In terms of the topics covered, I have designed and/or delivered courses in the following topics/areas:
- Business Writing
- Presentation Skills
- Personal Effectiveness
- Time Management
- Improving your Impact
- Successful Appraisals
- Managing Upwards
- Influencing Strategies
- Building Relationships
- Train the Trainer
- Development Centres
I’d be happy to discuss any of the above or, indeed, other topics with you. Just call me on 07778 423256 or fill in the contact form on the ‘Get in touch’ page.
With an eye for detail and a love of the English language, my materials are always high-quality. The team members I used to work with valued my ability to spot spelling mistakes or inconsistencies from a hundred paces, so I was often asked to review courses before they went to print. I can do the same for you and am happy to cover complex topics, given that I’m a qualified chartered accountant from a medical family!